التاريخ: 2024-04-23 14:18:10

Jenin -  Police ‘s Public Relations and Media Department reported that Minister of Interior Major General Hab Alreeh opened the police center in the presence and participation of His Excellency Mr. Kamal Abu Al-Rub, the Governor of the Governorate, and Brigadier Ma'rouf Al-Barbari, Assistant Director General of Police for the Northern Governorates, representing Major general Yousef Al-Helou, the chief of Palestinian Civil Police . In addition to Dr. Ali Abu Zahri, the University President ,leaders and directors of the security institution.

The purpose of opening this center is to provide police services to the area, maintain the security situation of the university and its surrounding rural areas, accommodate students, in addition to monitoring negative phenomena that disrupt the educational process or public order and security in the region, for quick response and enhancing police presence in the area, and also organizing traffic movement .
The police confirmed that there are permanent instructions from the police leadership to achieve this goal and enhance security and safety for all members of the community. The opening included a tour of the center's facilities, in addition to Minister Major General Ziad Hab Alreeh's visit to
the directorate of Jenin’s police

تنويه:  إن الترجمة من اللغة الانجليزية الى اللغة العربية عبر جوجل تنطوي على أخطاء