EUPOL COPPS and PCP participate in EU Day in Brussels

EUPOL COPPS and PCP participate in EU Day in Brussels
تاريخ النشر: 2012/05/15 - 12:36 مساءا
On Saturday, 12th of May, EUPOL COPPS and the Palestinian Civil Police sent a team to the Belgian capital to take part in the "EU Open Day". Each of the 6,000 visitors who attended the event in the atrium of the Council of the European Union in Brussels had the opportunity to learn more about the EU and its work around the world. All the EU CSDP (EU Common Security and Defense Policy) missions were present throughout the day. EUPOL COPPS and the PCP displayed items, brochures, videos and messages to visitors, illustrating the work of the mission and the most recent achievements of the Palestinian police in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). The EUPOL COPPS and PCP delegation stood in a joint booth with the other EU CSDP Mission in the area, EUBAM Rafah, which was personally visited by the President of European Council, Herman Van ROMPUY, the Executive Secretary General of the European External Action Service, Pierre VIMONT and the EU Civilian Operations Commander and Director of the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC), Hansjoerg HABER. Another EUPOL COPPS-PCP delegation also participated on Wednesday 9 May in the celebrations of Europe Day organized by the Office of the European Union Representative and which took place in Ramallah. The EU Days commemorate the 9th of May 1950 - the day Robert Schuman made the declaration considered to be the birth certificate of the European Union.

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